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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  July 9, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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[music] >> mark: 80 for joining us on this monday july 9th, investigators are open--and oakland are trying to find out who shot five people of have a cinema. and congress is being pushed on by the president to extend the tax cuts for middle-class. >> mark: you could be a victim of malware if you
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cannot connect to the internet today i will tell you how the fbi trying to crack down hot on this. -- crack down on this. let us get a quick check with the weather and erica. >> erica: we do have some reports of drizzle, so you may need to use your window wipers today and we do wipersfog--and we do have widespread fog. i have more with your seven day around the bay forecast coming up. >> george: good morning, we have a pretty good start to the morning commute, volume seems to be a but no delays or hot spots. a quick commute shows like traffic for the north bay, east bay and south bay. >> darya: are developing
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story, five people were shot last night and we want to give you more on this. we have jackie that is live on the scene outside of the cinema where this happened. >> reporter: investigators are looking to find a suspect that opened fire out in front of the regal theater here it sending five people to the hospital. here is some video from last night. according to the police about 9:30 p.m. last night 50 to 60 people were standing outside the theater and then someone drove up and opened fire on the crowd. five people were struck, we're being told that three of the victims are being taken to children's hospital. all are without, all are with non- life threatening injuries. there is not a lot of suspect information. the police do say that there were a lot of witnesses out
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front and they're hoping that someone can help out. we had a chance to talk with a witness last my who describe the scene. >> kids route your plane, the next thing i know the car pulled up and started shooting. people were running everywhere and even ran me over. >> reporter: as i said, five people were shot and three of them were taken to the hospital. >> mark: we have a developing story in the east deputy head to bring you more news faster, let us turn to our solo reporter yolie. i guess they're looking for the shooter and the victim right now. >> reporter: that is
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correct, they're looking for both people. they will need the help from the public on this because they did search through out the evening. they searched locally and nothing has come up. this all started around 6:00 p.m. yesterday evening. a man shot at the victim multiple times with a semiautomatic handgun. they say they saw the victim being shot at but they do not know if the victim was shot because the police have checked in with the local hospitals to see if anyone came in with multiple shots. and the results have come out negative, no one has come in and they also say that the suspect ran towards the station. but they still did not find anyone so they are looking for both, the suspect and victim. we have a really vague description of both they both are being described as african american males. they say the
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suspect is between 20 to 25 years old. he was wearing dark clothing in a baseball cap. the victim was wearing a light-colored shirt. if anyone has seen anything more remember seeing anything contact the police department about it. >> mark: do they know of the victim was shot, or shot at? >> darya: they are not quite sure. >> mark: we will check recon as the police continue their manhunt this morning. >> darya: we want to take to back to oakland where a family had to race out of their home this morning when it caught fire. it happened about 3:30 a.m.. will tran is live at the scene now of the fire and he has the latest.
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>> reporter: the fire is out right now only to about 20 minutes to put it out. the police and i'm not the fire started because possibly the television that was against the wall, a flat screen. they say it was only plaster there and behind plaster was would. due to the screen becoming so high because the fire. they say nor homes do not have to worry because there is a lot of protection in place. fortunately no one was killed by this. it seems like the man was partially burned by his foot on the fire--burned by the fire on
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his foot. but the fire investigators are trying to find out what happened at this point. >> mark: stocks are looking to open lower. they're waiting for corporate earnings that start later today.
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>> darya: if you're having trouble connecting to the intent--internet today, you may be a victim of malware. there was a court order that the fbi had to keep this service from affecting customers. if you are not getting the internet you need to calm internet service provider and they can walk you through the steps to get back on. >> mark: this morning a week to hear from the pri that he is pushing to extend tax cut for the middle class. senior administration officials say that mr. obama will call for a year extension to the tax cuts. tax cuts expire at
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the end of this year. house republicans are expected to push this for a measure to extend all of the bush era tax cuts no matter what income you have. those taxes arco--those tax cuts are expected to expire at the end of this year. >> darya: let us take a live look outside before our break. we will be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies
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have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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>> darya: welcome back, now you can save and only if, look at that boat it was in the monterey bay. there was a sharp attack. this happened in pleasure point. the boulder was thrown out of the boat, the shark bit the boat, but not the kayaker. surfers to not seem to be dissuaded from going back again. >> we usually go out pretty far we go are about half a mile. if he is out there he will stick around in the neighborhood so i might still a little closer to the shore. >> i would just act and the
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more careful, other than that that is all you can do. >> darya: they believe the shark was about 14 to 18 ft. long. >> mark: we will be right back as the kron4 morning news continues we have a live look outside at the news continues we have a lihey parents, it's a big year. i'm not just teaching music. ♪ i'm teaching performance. here's what they'll need. ♪ get your backpack, your hoodies, harajuku, ♪ ♪ turquoise kinda purple orangish sorta blue. ♪ ♪ backpacks, yeow, ♪ to put their stuff in. ♪ graphic tees and denim, denim, denim, denim. ♪ ♪ backpacks. school takes a lot, target has is all. u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day, you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty second, for crying out loud! we know how long a minute is.
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[ sighs ] sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability, and ways to connect. rethink possible. reliability, and ways to connect. you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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>> mark: the fbi's try to
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figure about how would $17 million vanished from a trust fund in santa clara. court records show that the case is on christine than $100 million in assets and lack insurance to make up for the theft. she believes her boyfriend wired millions of dollars out of the trust. >> darya: a large number of starving young pelicans are turning up on a local beaches right now. the pelicans that appeared to be very thin on just woken up to people. they said the starving birds are most likely a part of a normal natural die off. the the the the resources are limited and that this will happen. those in the wild life said they would do whatever they can to help the birds. here
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is what a marine animal expert had to say. >> they are basically looking for a handout. we do our best to alert the public that we do not want them to be fed by hand. we want to understand the have to forage on their own. >> darya: they say members of the public should remember to keep dogs away from the birds because those birds are affected--are protected by federal law. >> mark: temperatures will be cooling down, they work at an over 100 for over a week in the midwest and the south. they claim that least 46 deaths across the eastern half of the country. ticket of the severe storms that have been rolling through. this is what was left of a dance studio in virginia. about two-thirds in--about
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two dozen cheerleaders were in that building with their parents. >> i drove up and said it had to be a dream this could not be real. we still are in a state of shock. >> mark: 2 parents were injured in the storm, the roof of the dance to deal flew 100 plus feet from the house--the roof of the dance studio flew hundred something feet and fell on a house luckily no one was in the house and no one was injured. >> darya: now let us had to air cut to find out more about our weather today. >> erica: my suggestion is to dress in layers. not only will you encounter somefog-- some fog but you may want to
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carry an umbrella because it will be drizzling. now visibility shows 10 mouthed about most of the bay--10 miles around the bay area. as we head through the afternoon we anticipate clear skies bay area wide. your temperatures outside the door show 55 degrees in fairfield and 59 and antioch. as we take those numbers into the afternoon it looks like for the most part we have 80's in abundance in the south bay. we are flirting with 90 degrees in los gatos. >> erica: we have a good mixture of '70's and 80's in the north bay. downtown san francisco could reach an afternoon high of 67 degrees
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and 62 degrees expected in daly city. in terms of your seven day around the bay forecast it looks like temperatures will continue to climb as we head into tomorrow. by about lunchtime tomorrow and looks like we only have 93 for livermore, 90 out in fairfield, 65 for downtown san francisco. the microclimates are coming into play because wheat headed to the afternoon and we flirt with triple digits for livermore keeping it in the '60s for downtown san francisco. as we look ahead, it looks like we could see more in the way of 100 degree readings for wednesday. notice the cool down and the return of the fog as we transition into the weekend. the let us take a look at the weather and see how the roads are shaping up. >> george: we are not tracking any hot spots and no major delays or problems. the bay bridge is starting to back up and the meat and lets the have been activated
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already it appears as though they have. traffic has started to slow for your west bound ride. and at highway 92 we see pretty good conditions with no problem for your west bound commute, or your east bound ride. for the golden gate bridge, 101 south bound shows some drizzling and fog, but no traffic obstructions. taking a look at the east bay writer, your conditions are good. it is already heavy on highway 4 west bound. >> george: in the south bay we have some slowing on 101 in the center of your screen. now there have been no accidents reported the we will keep an eye on that to see if it will turn into a hot spot. 101 south bound and navato have an easy trip. >> mark: a trial is set to
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start today for a man that is responsible for setting a southern california wild fire that destroyed homes and was responsible for five heart attacks. he will be eligible for the death penalty. >> mark: he was a suspect right after the fires began but he was not indicted until there was enough evidence and that was six years later. >> darya: yesterday a while fire sparked an close interstate 80. about 21 a. burned. the firefighters stayed on the scene overnight to is looking out for hot spots. a building fire in oakland forced more than one dozen people out of their homes and also then the coffee shop that was affected that had to be shut down. this happened yesterday afternoon at telegraph avenue and 29th street. an employee at the
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commonwealth cafe discovered the fire in a storage space. firefighters actually tore through the walls to get that fire out. investigators believe that faulty wiring could be to blame. >> mark: we will take a quick break of a first take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. building pass, corporate card, verizon 4g lte phone. the global ready one ? yeah, but you won't need...
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>> mark: they say the palestinian presence has not given the permission to resume the remains of his predecessor yasser arafat. they say they found traces of a real active agent reportedly on the offer arafat belonging. they believe he was poisoned and need to test his remains to conclude this find. >> darya: 6 service members that previously had been unaccounted for will be buried today. the remaining of the air force men will be laid to rest in a joint casket at arlington national cemetery with full military honors. the plane went down on christmas eve 1965 after sending out a mayday. there were a joint investigation
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team that conducted interviews and look for them since 1995 on and off. their remains were not recovered until 2010 and 2011. an elementary school and idaho is among several that are being targeted by the american civil liberties union for its decision to if the the boys and girls in the classroom. middleton heights elementary is in a bitter struggle over this thing will affect learning system and if it should continue. it is a rural school and milton iowa. about 500 other schools across the nation used single-sex education research indicated that boys are graduating and the late bangles and they do poorly on test and if they are separated boys and girls do better. >> mark: throw on from uniforms and that would make us all happened. now we will be right back as we await
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the opening bell for the new york stock exchange. we will have more coming up with rob black. this country was built by working people.
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the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪
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>> darya: there was a shooting outside of a cinema. here is a witness describing the situation. >> there were a lot of kids out here playing. and then all i know is that someone drove up and started shooting. >> darya: no arrests have been made in that shooting. >> mark: police responded to mobile reports of two men assaulting a woman near the hacienda hotel. police officer say to people attempting to subdue the naked man and police arrested the 25 euro suspect in the found the 62 euro victim and adjacent to the motel office we do not yet
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know about the relationship between the two of them. >> darya: muni is back in full service. over the weekend with a lot of disruption from repairs and construction they were doing. a lot of muni writers were scratching their heads wondering what was: one. will the rail was shut down for an improvement project. some riders were frustrated and confused about what was happening. >> when it happened once that is one thing but it happened pretty frequently. i remember this happened last year the train stopped around the church area at market and then you had to get off and wait for a bus. >> darya: will get ready for more confusion because the same closures will happen throughout the weekend. the weekend of july 20th through august 3rd and august 17th.
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>> mark: we will have more coming up but i will tell him about the story. there is an island that is being offered for sale in the bay. there are stunning views from the san francisco skyline and the prices majorly discounted. i brought it up to show you where this island is. it is just to the south of the rich in san raphael bridge. you can notice the island as a success out of the bridge. the realtors says that the owner of the island has lowered the asking price down to $5 million. it went for sale for 22 and the one earlier this year. there are no structures on the island is only accessible by boat or helicopter. >> darya: we will be back with more to get you going on this monday morning after the big fourth of july holiday week. we are back to
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work and traffic. púwnw
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.
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>> mark: a new poll released yesterday says the the presidential race between president obama and mit romney are still tight in battleground states. >> mark: 1 in 12 of those surveyed say their--the commercial tell all to their
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opinion about the president orca mitt romney. - >> darya: take a look at what they're looking at in colorado springs. the estimated cost of property is $110 million. the economic impact is far greater than that. there is no tourism in the area, all of the tourist destinations loss monday were forced to close during the peak of the fire which scorched more than 18,000 a.. >> mark: three boys found dead in a creek in the maryland eastern shore. their bodies were found yesterday morning as the family search through the night. they were last seen playing basketball at a church parking lot on saturday afternoon. police believe the boys went into the creek to cool off. the
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chief medical examiner in baltimore conducted the autopsies. >> darya: metal seams have all the way aluminum bleachers and irrigation pipe at a popular san francisco park. the thieves even stole the metal frame of the soccer ball at the amazon park. they estimate that hundreds of thousands of dollars and metal equipment had been stolen. the city is trying to bring on park rangers to patrol the 220 parks. >> mark: we will take a quick break as the kron4 morning news continues. we see a little over pass from the fog outside and traffic is now oslo bumper-to- bumper.
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[ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, peaches grown right here in california are just 77 cents a pound. get a super low price on tide.
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$10.99 for 100 ounces. yoplait yogurt is just 50 cents. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. >> darya: five people
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wounded last night it happened outside of a local cinema. they're all in stable condition and police have not found the shooters. president obama will make an appeal for congress to pass a one-year extension on tax cuts. this is for people that make less than $250,000 per year. the obama campaign plans to use the tax debate in washington to ramp up the criticism of the republican mitt romney who has been slammed by the democrats for not releasing several years of tax records and having some of his money in offshore accounts. if you are having trouble connecting to the internet you could be the victim of malware out of the people will wake up to find out that their internet is not working because computers were taken over or around the world more than one year ago, the fbi had been filling the gap and providing internet service, now they have stopped that you will have to call your provider to get back on line. >> mark: the dow jones
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industrial average is off this monday morning. and we have rob black with us to talk about this. how bad is it? >> it was one of the worst weeks on wall street. wall street gets the heaviness of this. we are not creating jobs, it ties down to what we were talking about with obama trying to extend the tax cuts. middle america really does not know what to expect the tax cuts expiring. i into a printed obama coming out there saying we will extend the tax cuts because that may help job creators. >> mark: we have earning season starting for companies. >> in the last 90 days we have seen earnings expectations get cut. food,
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health care, a big dividend, stocks, utilities are even great. it is a matter of where your location is for your stocks and expectations for the next 90 days. what we will see is company saying we have a surplus of metal out there. we will probably have to lay people off, people will not pay mortgages. people will the corn vacation. it will be a bad start to earning season. >> with that said, we will get the big tent companies out there to give us a little bit more color. >> mark: right when the health care announced became now and we said we will see some big mergers with companies and we have a big one that is announced today. wellpoint is purchasing a mirror group for $92 per share. this is a coffee that
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was trading at like $64 per share. >> the big fish will acquire the smaller fish. ultimately it is about volume. the big guys won as many customers that they can get this to the medicare, medicaid kuiper--kind of play.
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>> mark: have you ever heard of this company out of bakersfield that makes all of these high end uses. -- high end juices? >> yes, it is the competitive threat that they're trying to keep at bay right now. remember that old 16 oz soda. people like me if you decided to drink less so this year i'd drink more juice. >> mark: thank you for joining us, we will check
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back with you at 9:00 a.m.. >> darya: ok, we want to take it to the forecast because things will change and we're heading towards a warm-up. >> erica: we could see mid- 90s we have a lot of cloud coverage situated over downtown san francisco it looks like we will see better conditions in the afternoon in the meantime you have to contend with the leas on arriving flight at sfo this morning. certainly check with your carrier, that is due to no problems reported for oakland international. now, in terms of your temperatures, there is no shock or surprises. we have some cooler conditions along the coastline in downtown san francisco. check out sunnyvale, the warmer spot on the map coming in at 60 degrees this hour. the future forecast shows where the temperatures will go into the afternoon. all of that green on your screen for out the heart of the day all that located by
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the war. that indicates a '60s and '70s for east bay locations. as we push any closer to 3:00 p.m. a lot of that warm start to turn into read that indicates the potential for some nineties. i think we will see some very low 90s for places like fairfield and antioch. enough to my degrees in livermore this afternoon. plenty of sunshine in pretty toasty for the inland areas. notice how significantly cooler it is for places like oakland coming in at 72 degrees. we will see sunshine and however those microclimates are making themselves known. check out downtown san francisco coming in at 67 degrees and 60 in half moon bay. if you are heading to the beach and you have the day off, we could see low '70s later this afternoon and we keep it in the low '70s for voted ave. --for bodega bay. the
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warm-up starts tomorrow with triple digits by the end of this week. things will cool down and we will see the fog make a comeback by the weekend. >> george: now we are not tracking any unusual delays hot spots. your drive account for a 14 minute pride of west bound across the upper deck. for the san mateo bridge ride, highway 92 shows good conditions here with no problems across the span in either direction. the 101 south bound looks great with no problems as you head south of the only thing we see is some drizzle. now look your ride on interstate 80 in the westbound direction, traffic is moving well within drive time of 16 minutes. -- with a drive time of 16 minutes.
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looking at your ride on 101 through san jose, this area of concern is no longer a problem so that is better news. >> george: the kron4 morning news will take a short break and be right back. [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: tonight, take it easy and enjoy your favorite soup, salad and hot, hearty sub. like the toasty big hot pastrami melt. get to your local subway for some dinnertime deliciousness tonight. subway. eat fresh.
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mission for health.
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>> mark: we have new news about the giants, their picture will be getting the start over the nets in the all-star game, there you have announced by the daily news. >> darya: the rams sorry, i could only think about what you were talking about earlier. we have tennis with the right niche coming up in the next hour of kron4 morning news.
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